Civil Rights
193rd General Court (2023-2024)
S. 366
An Act to protect vulnerable elders from abuse
This bill protects elders across the Commonwealth from abuse and neglect, regardless of where they are living. This act provides the Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA) with the necessary authority and access for its protection programs.
S. 415
An Act extending voting rights in municipal elections to noncitizen voters of the Commonwealth
Immigrants are productive members of Massachusetts and want to take part in the political activities of their municipalities. But they cannot vote at Town Meeting, in Town Elections, or serve on the select board, school committee, or other boards. This bill changes that injustice.
S. 1295
An Act relative to the effective enforcement of municipal ordinances and by-laws
Local municipal boards, including conservation commissions, are vested with the authority to administer a variety of important land use and other bylaws, ordinances and regulations. Conservation commissions find violations of wetlands ordinances for many situations.
S. 1508
An Act to strengthen gun control
This bill aims to strengthen gun control and close loopholes in Massachusetts gun laws.
S. 1509
An Act relative to 3D printed guns and ghost guns
S. 1510
An Act to protect the civil rights and safety of all Massachusetts residents (Safe Communities Act)
S. 1994
An Act promoting the civil rights and inclusion of American Muslims in the Commonwealth
This bill would establish a Massachusetts state commission aimed at studying issues affecting American Muslim communities in the Commonwealth.