Committee Assignments
194th Legislative Session (2025-2026)
Joint Committee on Revenue
Oversees all matters concerning Federal financial assistance, state fees, the raising of revenue for the Commonwealth by means of taxation, certain matters relating to the local property tax.
Joint Committee on the Judiciary
Oversees bills relating to criminal justice and judiciary.
Joint Committee on State Admin & Regulatory Oversight
Oversees matters concerning competitive bidding on public contracts, public construction, open meeting laws, state regulations, state agencies, lobbyists’ reporting laws.
Joint Committee on Cannabis Policy
Oversees all matters relating to marijuana and marijuana policy.
Joint Committee on Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities
Oversees child welfare, juvenile justice, and children and adults with physical, developmental or intellectual disabilities.
Joint Committee on Election Laws
Oversees elections, election laws, and other matters as referred.
Joint Committee on Post Audit and Oversight
Oversees matters related to public employees, collective bargaining for state employees and other public employees.
Joint Committee on Public Safety & Homeland Security
Oversees matters concerning the safety of the public, including civil defense, firearms and gun control, fire laws, motor vehicle laws, motor vehicle safety belts (including school buses), the correction system including administration, prisoners’ rights, furloughs, work release, probation, rehabilitation, homeland or Commonwealth security matters, other matters related to federal affairs.
Joint Committee on Public Service
Oversees matters concerning the salaries, civil service and retirement of public employees (including the retirement of judges, court personnel and county employees